Q&A: How Does Work Affect My Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Q: If you collect widow survivor benefits at age 60 are you restricted as to how much you can earn and still collect benefit monthly?
A: Yes, the Social Security earnings limit applies to survivor benefits just like it does for retirement benefits.
If you are under full retirement age your benefits will be reduced $1 for every $2 you earn over the limit. In 2012 you can earn $14,640 before your benefits are reduced.
Once you turn your full retirement age your benefits will not be reduced no matter how much you earn.
In addition, working can cause your Social Security to be taxable.
For most people, their Social Security benefits may never be subject to income tax. However, if you have other income such as a part-time job, some of your Social Security may be taxable.
Ronda Fisher says
I have been widowed since age 40, My late husband was a civil servant. I collect a widows annuity from that. I have always had a job and plan to work until 66. Will I be able to collect both?. My husband also had parttime jobs throughout his civil career . What exactly am I eligible for-?